10 reasons why you should visit the US

Diverse landscapes, from beaches to mountains, deserts to forests 

World-renowned cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, and Grand Canyon. 

 Cultural diversity, with a melting pot of different ethnicities and traditions.

Amazing food scenes, with everything from classic American diners to Michelin-starred restaurants.

Vibrant music scenes, from country and blues to jazz and hip-hop 

Thrilling amusement parks, such as Disney World, Universal Studios, and Six Flags.

the species found here and in 1905 Kaziranga became a reserve forest.  

Educational opportunities, with top universities and museums such as the Smithsonian and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

Sports culture, with iconic teams and events like the Super Bowl and the World Series.