Cocktail Recipes From Around The World


Good food is an addition to the perfect living pattern. 

To prepare it, all you need is a pinch of cilantro, jalapeno slices, small cucumber pieces 

Mercadito from Mexico

a piece of fresh lemon juice, tequila, two parts, along with ¾ nectar agave, or you can just take up the simple syrup. 

Put the slices of cucumber, jalapenos, cilantro all in the shaker. 

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.

A close-up shot of someone stirring a drink.

Then make sure to add ice and all the leftover ingredients in it.  

Close-up shot of a woman stirring ice tea.

Close-up shot of a woman stirring ice tea.

Stain this mixture in the glass, and do not forget to garnish it with cucumber if required jalapenos as well. 

A still shot of a bartender shaking a cocktail at the bar.

A still shot of a bartender shaking a cocktail at the bar.

known as the "Mini Switzerland of India" with beautiful landscapes, meadows, and adventure activities. 

Monkey colada

Close-up shot of a bartender making a Cinco de Mayo cocktail.

Close-up shot of a bartender making a Cinco de Mayo cocktail.

All you need is a whisky called monkey shoulder.  

Close-up shot of a bartender drinking a pink cocktail.

Close-up shot of a bartender drinking a pink cocktail.

The puree of coconut along with its juice and a fresh lemon juice Around 2 parts of pineapple juice extracted new if possible. 

Close-up shot of a bartender making a pink cocktail.

Close-up shot of a bartender making a pink cocktail.

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