Most Amazing Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde in Colorado

Mesa Verde has more than 600 cliff dwellings and more than 5,000 sites of Pueblo structures. 

Mesa Verde was seasonally settled by groups of nomadic Paleo-Indians as early as 7500 BC.

Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in the world, with more than 150 rooms and more than 20 kivas.

Mesa Verda’s Long House is the second largest cliff dwelling, and one of the only visible cliff dwellings.

Spruce Tree House; the third-largest cliff dwelling. It is a three-story structure with more than 130 rooms and eight Kivas.

Balcony House known to be the most adventurous expedition, is only accessible after crawling through tunnels and climbing a 32-foot ladder.

Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center shares the history and creative expression of the region with rotating exhibitions and displays.

Square Tower House offers a small hike to the interior of the dwelling, and it should not be missed during the Mesa Verde trip.

Oak Tree House is one of the largest structures inside Mesa Verde National Park. Small from the overlook but it’s a crumbling structure.