new york city weather by month

The average temperature of New York typically ranges from 14°F or above 92°F. 

The city is enjoyable throughout the year; each of its four seasons has its own unique beauty. 

Fall and spring are the best times to visit, both for tourists and people who live there. 

You can expect pleasant weather from April to June and from September to November. 

For warm-weather activities, the best times to visit New York City are from mid-June to July and from early August to the end of September. 

The most popular time for tourists is from June to August in the summer and from November to December in the winter. 

Low tourist times are January through March when winter has taken over the city. The cold weather also means that hotel rates are lower.  

New York is a great place to be at Christmas. During the holidays, the snow makes everything look like a postcard. 

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