Tourism in the United States

The US is a popular destination for tourists, with over 80 million visitors annually.

Top visited cities in the US are New York City, Los Angeles, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Chicago. 

The US is home to many iconic landmarks and attractions, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon. 

The US travel and tourism industry supports millions of jobs and generates over $1.6 trillion in economic output.

The US is a diverse country with many cultures, cuisines, and landscapes to explore.

The US is also home to world-class museums and cultural institutions 

The US attracts visitors for business and education purposes, as well as traditional tourism. 

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the US tourism industry, but recovery is expected. 

The US has a well-developed hospitality industry with a wide range of accommodations available.

Sports culture, with iconic teams and events like the Super Bowl and the World Series.